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Career Tips

6 Tips to Increase Your Salary

According to research, half of all workers never asked their employers for a raise in pay, which clearly shows it is very difficult to negotiate a salary.

This could be due to cultural discomfort with discussing money. A significant number of people have never asked for more salary, as they don't want to appear pushy or ungrateful for the opportunity.

You don't need to be aggressive when asking for the salary you are due. There's a way to negotiate a salary. This is how you ask for more.

1. Remember that you are partners in the negotiation process

It can be difficult to ask for a raise or negotiate a starting wage. Your boss or hiring manager doesn't have to be your enemy. Your goal is the same: to get paid fairly for your skills and experience.

They shouldn't care about your salary, other than making sure your compensation is within their budget.

Research has shown that workers who feel they are being paid fairly are more productive, happier, and more likely to stay in their job longer than those who do not. If you feel fairly compensated, you will work harder, produce more and consequently be happier.

There’s also the added benefit of you being difficult to replace. Research has shown that employers spend around 30% of the salary of an employee who is leaving to find and hire their replacement.

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2. Do Your Research

Although salary ranges may vary from one employer to the next, it is a good idea for you to have an idea of what a reasonable salary would be for your job.

To find the right range for your job title, you can use free salary calculators on sites such as Glassdoor and PayScale. You should also note any standard benefits and perks, as well as added certifications and skills where appropriate. It may be worth considering a lower salary to get more time off work or better medical aid. You won't be capable of making that decision until you have all the facts in hand.

When you negotiate your salary, you should rely on the data and not your emotions. Money is always a sensitive subject. Sometimes it can be tempting to share your feelings or your personal situation during a discussion. Refrain from doing that. Only state the honest facts.

3. Be prepared for prejudices

Your skills and qualifications would matter in a perfect world, but the reality is that we don't live in a perfect world. Everybody has biases, and this includes your employer.

This could mean that negotiation styles will differ depending on your gender. Research shows that women negotiate at a higher cost than men and are perceived as being more demanding and less pleasant when they ask for more.

This doesn't mean you should not negotiate if you are likely to feel the effects of this prejudice. It does suggest that you need to be aware of this issue, and to take steps to overcome it. Women may, for example, tie their request to the mission of the team, particularly if negotiation is part of the job.

Watch: How To Negotiate Your Salary After A Job Offer

4. Get a Sense of How the Culture Function

You can use networking to find new job opportunities or get referrals for open positions. You can also learn about the workings of potential employers by networking.

You can tap into the knowledge of people you know at the company if they are available. It's great if they are willing to share their salary range. If they are reluctant to share their salary range, you can still get their view on the company's culture and salary.

5. Seize the Right Moment

It is important to pick your time wisely when it comes to salary negotiation. Certain times are better than others to get what you want.

If you have a job offer

The majority of hiring managers expect candidates to negotiate a job.

It's almost always a good idea to ask for more when offered a job. The hiring manager will not be offended, even if the salary budget is constrained.

If You Want a Raise

How about when you are trying to negotiate a raise in your present occupation? It is important to be steering this at the right time. Your manager must consider many factors before they can assist you. You should choose a time when your contribution has been recognized and the company is in good financial health.

You need to be prepared to do the legwork. Budgets are often established at the end of the year, so it is not always the best time to ask for a raise. It is a great time to tell your boss that you are open to new challenges and rewards.

6. Always Tell the Truth

A significant number of applicants have lied about receiving a second job offer to receive a better salary. This is clearly a bad idea, as it can be scrutinized by your employer.

Even if your lie isn't caught, it's still illegal to start a job based on false pretenses. To get a higher salary, you don't have to resort to deception.

An employer should pay you fair wages based on your merits. You can reach your goals by doing your research and learning to discuss remuneration with more comfort.